Geophysics |
New England Sapphire Gemfields
The sapphire bearing region of
the New England district comprises Permian granites, porphyries,
and acid volcanics and Permo-Carboniferous metasediments
overlain by large areas of Tertiary basalt. Most of the high
ground is capped by basalt which is up to 300 m thick in places.
These basalt areas display a terraced physiography which is
controlled by the multiple flows.
The sapphires occur, for the
most part, in the alluvial gravels of the present-day stream
system but, are also found on the surface (usually in basaltic
soil) well above th6 present stream deposits. Many of the
streams in the area have cut through the basalt, and the gravels
being worked for sapphire have been deposited on Palaeozoic
basement rocks. There also appears to be some potential for
locating sapphires in different environments beneath the present
day alluvial gravels
The sapphire bearing wash has
an average thickness of between and 2 m, and usually occurs
beneath a clayey, black soil overburden which is about 0.3 m
thick but can be much thicker. The wash occurs as narrow
lenticular bodies in the present stream and as relatively large
areas of alluvium marking the position of older stream beds
(some river flats up to 8 ha in area are s bearing.)
The sapphire is concentrated in irregular pockets and horizons
in the wash, and usually the very bottom of the wash gives the
highest yield. Hence most sapphire plants treat all the wash
down to bedrock, where large boulders up to 1 m in diameter
occur surrounded by fine, sapphire bearing gravel embedded in a
clayey matrix.
The coarse gravel is usually composed of rounded fragments of
porphyry, granite, and basalt, and angular fragments of
indurated mudstone ("trap") and quartzite.
The finer gravel associated with sapphire is generally composed
of black pleonaste (one of the spine] group of minerals); basalt
pebbles; ironstone (including bauxite oolites); quartz (both
rounded and subangular and as small bipyramidal crystals);
fragments of porphyry, granite, and metasediment; orange-brown
zircon (usually well rounded); ilmenite; tourmaline; and, more
rarely, enstatite. Sapphire~ are usually present as subangular
crystal fragments, commonly talk ing the form of tapering
hexagonal prisms, though a few grains are well rounded
Until the early 1980s, most of the sapphires won
from the alluvial deposits of the New England region of New
South Wales were thought to have been derived from the
weathering and erosion of basaltic lava.
The occasional recovery of specimens showing a
sapphire crystal embedded in basalt was thought to confirm this
theory However, careful inspection of the top of the sapphire
crystal embedded in basalt shows that the sapphire crystal has
ragged edges. This means that the crystal was being chemically
attacked by the molten basalt lava and was thus 'foreign` to it.
In other words, it was a non-compatible inclusion picked up by
the lava.
It is
now recognised that the primary source of the sapphires is not
molten lava but early explosive phases of volcanic activity
which produced ash falls (of the same type as buried Pompei).
The term 'volcaniclastic' covers both direct ash-fall deposits and material
which has been reworked by alluvial processes. In contrast to
the volcaniclastic rocks, the sapphire and corundum content of
the basalts is generally low. The volcaniclastic rocks brought
their sapphire component up from deep in the crust. The rising
molten magma carrying the sapphires was explosively expelled
from volcanoes when it came into contact with groundwater. When
such volcaniclastic detritus was deposited in pre-existing
drainage channels, separation of crystals and rock fragments
from fine grained material occurred in places by the process of
mass flow. Such deposits have commonly been further reworked by
stream action leaving some rich deposits of sapphire, grading
even up to a kilogram or more of corundum in a cubic metre of
* Information on this page
derived from the New
South Wales Dept of Mineral Resources
genuine sapphire -
made by nature
An Information
Resource on the Australian Sapphire Industry